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Swop Shop

The mention of the availability of Musella lasiocarpa from the Palm Centre in the last edition set me thinking. On talking to one or two other members of the EPS we feel that a small ads' section in Chamaerops might prove to be a good idea. It could be open as a free service to members to sell, exchange, or even give away anything relevant to the aims of our society. This, of course, would include members who run nurseries who might wish to promote their novelties. Could we give it a try?
Greg Plenty, West Yorkshire

Yes by all means, let's give it a try - it could be a regular feature. And with 'no borders' within the EEC, any of our members on the continent would also be welcome to participate. Just send the plant details to me and I'll publish them in the next issue. M.G.


The Editorial in Chamaerops 18 and Vince Carr's comments about public planting will have struck a chord with a lot of people, myself included. If nothing else, as a society we should be enthusing others into a love of palms and what better way than for us to be out there, planting palms for everyone else to see. I'm sure funds could be raised through donations or sponsorship from large firms who would undoubtedly enjoy the publicity. How many times have you seen a picture of a mayor sticking a shovel into the soil beside a boring oak tree or similar? How much better it would be if it were a Trachy or a Jubaea chilensis. Next to it there could be a plaque saying, 'Planted by The European Palm Society, sponsored by MacDonald's (or whoever)'.

There is one problem though. We are never going to organize ourselves if we are only going to meet every two years. What we need are local meetings, and more frequently too. To this end I am inviting any one who is interested in the idea to contact me so that I can arrange the first of such get-togethers, in the South-east of England. Too far to come? Why not arrange something locally yourself? As a palm society we should be socializing more and promoting palms more. I hope you will join me in achieving these two aims. Please write to me:
Tim Box, 53 Oakleigh Gardens, Whetstone, London N20 9AB, UK.

I am very much in favour of these ideas, lack of time being the main reason for my not initiating them myself. But if someone else would like to set the ball rolling, I would be pleased to help in any way I can. M.G.

The Cordyline Strikes Back

(In reference to 'Brief Encounter" (Editorial, Chamaerops No. 18):

With the planner's decision we're stuck,
Though denounced by the Editor, 'Yuk!',
It seems that our stripes,
Only add to your gripes,
No doubt you'd uproot us, dig, pluck...

We know it's a matter of taste,
So our protests we won't further waste,
We may give you the jitters,
But we're still God's critters,
Perhaps you reviled us in haste?

And so, without passing the buck,
We respond to that cruel cry of 'Yuk!',
To you, Mr. Gibbons,
(Our psyches in ribbons),
The polite version's, 'Jolly Bad Luck!'

Sue Shorter, Chingford Cordyline Preservation Society. (Motto: Yea! Unto Cordyline Kudos).

Phormium Fans

I was very pleased to read the article on Phormiums (Chamaerops 17) as these are one of my favourite tropical-looking plants. Over the last 6 years or so I have built up a small collection though I was initially put off trying them by fears about their supposed tenderness especially in my part of the world on the Yorks/Lancs border a few miles from the Yorkshire dales (the frozen north).

Happily, my fears were unfounded. They have all survived and grown very well, with just the minimum of winter protection, which consists of placing bracken between the leaves covering the crown of the plant. The Tenax and the 'Tricolour' have done so well that they have formed clumps six feet across and this in spite of only receiving full sunshine for a few hours a day.

The 'Tricolour' and the 'Duet' are the only ones to flower so far, but I am sure the others will follow in due course. As exotic 'accent plants' they have my sincere recommendation.
Charlie Wright - Barnoldswick, Lancs.


Sorry, only one page of letters this issue, too much else to fit in. However, please do write in, whether you've a story to tell, a complaint or perhaps even a compliment to make. I would particularly like to hear from members whose countries rarely get a mention here. Let's put YOU on the map. M.G.

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