Book List
Based on the Chamaerops article "Books for
Your Shelves" by Carolyn Strudwic
Overwhelmed by the range and choice of gardening
books in the shops today? I have selected what I consider to be
a few good titles that may make useful additions to your book collection,
or are at least worth hunting down in your local library.
This section includes comprehensive and all
around good gardening books. These are the ones to dig out when
there are problems to solve.
Kindersley, Dorling
The Royal Horticultural Society, 1999. ISBN 0751326232
This encyclopedia of gardening is for both
the beginner and the advanced gardener. It is very informative and
well presented. You could pass a diploma in horticulture with this
one title alone.
Kindersley, Dorling
The Royal Horticultural Society, 1999
This sister volume to the previous entry is
the gardener's new encyclopedia of plants and flowers. It arranges
plants by type, size, color, and season, and it also gives a three
snowflake grading to plant hardiness.
New Gardening Year
Reader's Digest, 1997. ISBN 0276421507
This one is sure to cause gardener's angst:
" it's April and I've not done all those chores listed for
March!" Arranged by month, it gives good advice, seasonal tips,
and has an informative section on propagation methods.
This title is available at
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