Chamaerops No. 2

Spring Edition 1991


And Now, Here's The Weather
Just when winter is fading from memory, a comprehensive reminder of just how bad it was. Members' personal views of the winter around Europe. Various contributors

Real Estate Department
If castles in Spain are beyond your reach, how about a palm farm in Mallorca?

Fabulous Fairchild
Tony King is your guide on a tour of this famous U.S.A. garden. The second part of Tony King's American notebook.

Agave - The Century Plant
...and you don't have to wait 100 years to see it flower. By Steve Furness

Trekking On The Trachycarpus Trail. Part 2
The ascent of Palm Mountain, by Martin Gibbons

Scottish Exotica
Colin McLeod enjoys House & Garden, and moves both

Chamaerops On Sardinia
The South Pacific doesn't have a monopoly on palm-fringed beaches, as Jacques Deleuze discovers

Letter From America
Tamar Myers' regular column. Batten down the hatches...

Letter From The Netherlands
A trip to Holland where member W. G. Takken invites us into his garden to see some Dutch Windmill Palms

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