Chamaerops No. 7

Summer Edition 1992


Field Notes On The Nikau
Rhopalostylis sapida by any other name. Peter Richardson and Stephen Powell contribute two sides of the same coin.

To Move A Jubaea
Switzerland's Andy Peter reports on a truly gargantuan task

Back To Basics
Starting from scratch with Trachycarpus fortunei. David Kealaher

Laeken: City of Glass
The first part of Dr. Stephen Becker's fascinating two-parter. This explores the history of the glasshouse from Roman times...

The Bug Busters!
All you need to know about natural pest control using predators. By Bug Buster Tony King.

Yuccas not Yukkies
If you like your plants spiky and architectural, this is for you. By self-confessed Yuccaphile Angus White.

Emerald Isle
Donald Hare takes us on a guided tour round some of Ireland's wonderful gardens.


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