Chamaerops No.10

Spring Edition 1993

cover   Left: Dictocaryum sp., Ecuador, South America.
Right: Ceroxylon sp. dwarfs the figure at its base. Ecuador.


South American Diary
Martin Gibbons
Christmas 1992, and your editor finds himself in Ecuador, up in the top left-hand corner of South America, where the palms have to be seen to be believed

Fairchild Garden - Paradise Lost?
Steve Swinscoe
Last August, Hurricane Andrew struck Florida with devastating force. One of the areas hardest hit was Fairchild Tropical Garden. But all is not lost....

Canary Date - Devon Style
David Hutchinson
Can this be England? David Hutchinson reports on the 'discovery 'of what must be one of the largest palms - of any species - in England

The Trachy-strippers of Kunming
Martin Gibbons
You may ha ye heard tell about the fibres of Trachycarpus fortunei being used for brushes and brooms. This article lays the facts bare, and reveals all

A Tale of Two Washingtonias
Greville Arnold-Jenkins
Does provenance play a part in the hardiness and growth habits of different plants of the same species? An interesting trial designed to find out is explained in this article.

When in Romania...
Dr. Felician Micle
Join Dr. Mile for a guided tour around one of Europe 's less well-known Botanic Gardens.

Ulrich Gramm
Enthusiast Ulrich Gramm of Germany explains a completely new approach to growing palms, entirely without soil.


Join The European Palm Society now to get access to these articles!


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