Chamaerops No.14

Spring Edition 1994


The Calabash & the Wonjo
Dr. Steven Becker
Steve Becker's fascinating, sometimes hilarious trip to The Gambia. Bring your own calabash

A Trunky Trachy
Dave Brown
Down in Dover grows an extraordinary Trachycarpus fortunei. Here's its life story

Livistona mariae
Dr. Maria-Jutta Teege
Everyone's heard of Australia's red heart, but do you know the equally red palm that grows there? Dr. Teege's wonderful article explains all

Martius - Father of Palms
Beatrice Ratajczak
A little history lesson for all palm enthusiasts, about one of the most important pioneers in the palm world, who gave his name to Trachycarpus martianus, among others

Island-hopping in Micronesia
Ulli Gramm
A palm-holiday of a lifetime. Ulli's wonderful travelogue of these tiny and beautiful islands, almost lost in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean

Palms for Europe
Carlo Morici
Carlo's personal list of many of the palms suitable for growing, outdoors, in various parts of Europe all of which can be seen on his own island of Sicily

Painting Palms
Martin Salisbury
You may remember Martin's previous article, 'Palms in Portugal'. Here Martin talks about his passion to paint them, and we print a wonderful example of his work


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