Chamaerops No.17

Winter Edition1994/95


The Culm Before The Storm
Dr Simon Olpin
The exotic garden is certainly not complete without a Bamboo or six. Simon Olpin makes some suggestions.

Two Palmy Places
Roger Dixon
You don't have to go to the Tropics to see palms, and in this 'two-for-the-price-of-one' article, Roger Dixon visits some nearer to home.

The Wind Cheaters
Robert & Krystyne Jennings
A husband and wife team of palm enthusiasts explain how palms have changed their lives, and their garden.

Asia Diary - Part 1
Martin Gibbons
Your editor shares the excitement, the trauma, the danger, the agony and the ecstasy of palm hunting in the Himalaya.

Membership Report
Tony King
Membership Secretary Tony King gives some facts, figures and statistics about the most import people in the EPS - You!

Fabulous Phormiums
Bob Edwards
Another 'essential' in the exotic garden, this fascinating group is described in glowing colour. Great pictures by Myles Challis.

Borneo Bound
Dr Maria Jutta-Teege
You will remember Dr Jutta-Teege's adventures in Central Australia. Now follow her to Borneo and meet 'Joey'.

Man With The Electric Garden - The Sequel
Peter Tenenbaum
In this follow-up article Peter tells us how electricity continues to turn Hampstead into the Tropics.


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