Cycad in Suburbia
Gary reports on what we've suspected all along:
that Cycas revoluta is quite hardy enough for the sheltered, temperate
Gary Bethel Wirral, UK.
Chamaerops No.26 Spring 1997
An article on the growth, habitat and cultivation
of Cycas revoluta by Tony King was published in the Spring '96 edition
of ' Chamaerops' . The following article is intended as further
encouragement and incentive to other E. P.S members, which I consider
a very important aspect of our society.
I first saw Cycas revoluta 'in the flesh' so to
speak in a warm, nursery greenhouse: two, in fact; focal points
amongst the gardenias and hibiscus. They looked very impressive
indeed hut also very expensive. That was in the summer of '93 and
after this sighting I decided to seek out any information I could
about these plants. Information in books, magazines etc. was pretty
thin on the ground (I was not an E.P.S member at that time) but
it seemed they all had one thing in common: very erratic growth
habit. All varied wildly on hardiness, however I came to the conclusion
that they must be far hardier than the minimum +13ūC quoted by some
sources, and would probably take some frost.
The following April whilst on holiday in Tenerife
I could see Cycas revoluta (amongst others) everywhere, some in
the ground of course and some in clay pots in bone dry compost,
which surprised me considering that although they like good drainage
they originate from a very moist subtropical climate. This made
me think if they can endure dry heat maybe they're tough nuts that
can endure lower temperatures also.
Added to this the belief that they need very high
temperatures to start into growth made me wonder as these plants
were nearly all in a great flush of growth in Tenerife's mid-spring
temperatures of 21-23ūC, occasionally 28ūC temperatures, easily
attainable during the warm spells of an average British summer.
So on return to Britain I decided to take a closer look at the plants
seen in the Yorkshire greenhouse twelve months earlier. They were
still there and had come down to half price, although still a lot
of money this was now very good value considering the size of specimens
and the rate of growth of these plants, in the back of my mind was
the fact that even quite small plants are not cheap and would take
many years to reach this size, even under perfect conditions.
I was not very popular as the wife, kids, dog and
excess luggage were crammed in the back of the Astra whilst the
carefully lashed up Cycad travelled first class in the front, held
in place with the seat belt. That was the end of May and on returning
home I proceeded to start hardening the plant off, although quite
mild at this time it had been in a warm environment for quite a
few years.
It was quite arduous carrying it in and out each
day while trying not to damage the still strapped-up leaves which
I was dying to release but would make movement even more difficult
This is where impatience and maybe vanity nearly cost me dear. Briefly
many people were to be at the house at the weekend as my brother
was getting married and the bride was going from our house. How
much more impressive would the Cycad look in the ground, instead
of in a pot with its leaves taped up.
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