Zone 8: Growing pains and how to avoid them
(page 3)
HID light growing is a proven effective method which
has been in use since the Japanese developed hydroponic gardening
shortly after World War II. However, in order to produce photosynthesis,
palms also need water, CO2 and warmth. Water run off problems can
easily be solved with inexpensive plastic tubs and plastic gutter
systems which cost little, actually enabling the placement of a
fabulous palm growing environment within an enclosed garage. Ventilation
to provide CO2 is more of a problem. Traditionally, HID light growers
have ventilated their growing areas with conventional ventilation
systems such as mechanical draught exhaust fans which provide air
exchanges in a matter of minutes. For growing palms, the air exchanges
occur far too quickly, removing the warm air, and if it is cold
outside, replacing the essential warm air with growth inhibiting
cold air. The palms require two things in addition to water and
radiant light. They need warmth and they need carbon dioxide and
they need them in combination. The operative word here is combination.
If you provide warm air depleted of carbon dioxide, or if you provide
carbon dioxide replenished air which is cold, you will not obtain
the growth which is so critical to maintaining your enthusiasm.
If conventional ventilation is used, install a fan which provides
a slow air exchange such as a 50 or 60 cubic foot/minute bathroom
fan and place it on a timer so that you can limit and control the
ventilation. The objective is to retain as much heat as possible,
but to provide fresh air containing carbon dioxide at the same rate
at which the palms deplete it. A rule of thumb is to run the exhaust
only once or twice a day, just long enough to provide one air change
every morning and once again during the warmest period of the day
(around 3:00 p.m.), but provide the second air exchange only on
days when the temperature reaches or exceeds 90 degrees F (30 deg.C).
The ultimate growing system might be HID light in
combination with a CO2 generator. CO2 generators have yet to be
proven, but they can be purchased for two to three hundred dollars.
The smallest of these units should provide more than enough CO2
for palm cultivation. A CO2 generator enables a grower to retain
heated air within an encapsulated (insulated) environment, by replacing
only the CO2 that is extracted by the palms, without requiring the
air exchanges which trigger the excessive cost of providing nighttime
Perhaps it might seem like a burdensome financial
outlay to purchase an HID light and a CO2 generator, but compare
it to the cost of nighttime heat which can be so expensive during
the winter months. So expensive in fact, that only a few heated
greenhouses probably actually exist in the Pacific Northwest for
the purpose of growing palms. A saving can be seen after the first
season with several more seasons practically cost free. The manufacturer
s estimated life expectancy of an HID bulb is two to five years,
and only the bulb needs to be replaced when it burns out. Consider
purchasing an HID light the first year, while making do with a cheap
bathroom fan for exhaust, and then purchasing a CO2 generator the
following year. There are less expensive ways to raise palms in
cool winter areas, but they are much slower and much less gratifying.
If you are considering an HID light, here are a
few basics. Hydroponic growers of tropical plants have already determined
that the best growing format for tropicals (including most palms,
tropical or otherwise) is that the HID light be on for 12 hours
and off for twelve hours, turned on once per day for maximum growth
results as well as maximum bulb life expectancy. Never splash water
on a hot bulb or it will explode with the potential of causing serious
injury, and it is strongly urged that a protective glass cover be
purchased along with the HID apparatus to prevent this risk. The
optimum growing temperatures for tropical palms is 93 degrees F.
(33 deg.C). Above that it has been scientifically proven that almost
no palms benefit in terms of showing faster growth, although many
growers strongly claim otherwise. Heat loving palms (Sabals, etc.)
can be placed on upper shelves, while palms requiring cooler conditions
(Ceroxylons, etc.) can be placed on the floor with other palms in
between. There will be a 15 to 30 degree F. difference between the
floor and the top shelf space at any given time and two max-min
thermometers should be installed at top and bottom locations for
determining these differences and providing the correct temperature
at any given time. It is also advisable to provide a circulating
fan, and preference should be given to installing a ceiling fan
as they do the job of circulating the air beautifully, and they
are practically noise free, a welcome relief from the obnoxious
noise created by conventional circulating fans.
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