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Please note: as a member of the EPS you get up to 50% discount on back issues in the members shop. So don't hesitate and join the EPS now!

Chamaerops Magazines - only £4.00 each! Price add
49  Autumn 2004 £4.00
48  Spring 2004 £4.00
47  Summer 2002 £4.00
46  Spring 2002 £4.00
45  Winter 2001/2002 £4.00
43  Summer/Autumn 2001 (Double issue) £7.00
42  Spring 2001 £4.00
41  Winter 2000 £4.00
40  Autumn 2000 £4.00
39  Summer 2000 £4.00
38  Spring 2000 £4.00
37  Winter 1999/2000 £4.00
35  Summer/Autumn 1999 (Double issue) £7.00
34  Spring 1999 £4.00
33  Winter 1998/99 £4.00
32  Autumn 1998 £4.00
31  Summer 1998 £4.00
30  Spring 1998 £4.00
29  Winter 1997/98 £4.00
28  Autumn 1997 £4.00
27  Summer 1997 £4.00
26  Spring 1997 £4.00
25  Winter 1996/97 £4.00
24  Autumn 1996 £4.00
23  Summer 1996 £4.00

Chamaerops Package - £75.00 (= 30% off) Price add
CP  Magazine issues No.23-49 £75.00

EPS Badge - £4.50 Price add
 Chrome with colour printing £4.50